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(Spreadsheet provided by Peter Brooks, Stuy-Naught)
Run Date (UTC) SPH1 (Blue) Score SPH2 (Red) Score W/L
2017-09-12 06:37:30 Trump's firewall 1.5 normanHERTZ 18.4626 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:32 Trump's firewall 1.56 SPCS HACT 5.86118 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:31 Trump's firewall 17.28197 SPATAR 44.0274 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:32 Trump's firewall 6.03825 Python Lovers 0.12 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:31 Trump's firewall 6.09184 Gordon RamC++ 2.59864 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:32 Trump's firewall 0.14 MVHS 0.04 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:31 Trump's firewall 1.61 Div0 1.52 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:30 Trump's firewall 1.68 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 8.9551 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:32 Trump's firewall 1.6 Deadly Foolish Automata 2 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:32 The Meme Team 0.18 Trump's firewall 6.09239 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:31 Scholar Spacemen 6.76758 Trump's firewall 1.75 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:32 Sydney Technical Difficulties 6.09814 Trump's firewall 15.69251 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:30 Mosman High School 28.42386 Trump's firewall 15.8175 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:31 Aemulus Tech 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.6 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:32 Apollo 0.0 Trump's firewall 11.13048 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:32 Ground Control 3.22 Trump's firewall 1.67 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:32 DEBUG(("1337")); 3.0 Trump's firewall 15.15869 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:37:31 The Drop Bears 21.86538 Trump's firewall 11.34702 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Trump's firewall 1.6 SPCS HACT 16.39639 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Trump's firewall 0.08 Sydney Technical Difficulties 1.59 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Trump's firewall 6.10977 Python Lovers 0.12 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Trump's firewall 0.09 Apollo 1.5 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Trump's firewall 10.94985 DEBUG(("1337")); 3.0 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Trump's firewall 1.73 Scholar Spacemen 6.73444 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Trump's firewall 1.59 Div0 1.52 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Trump's firewall 1.58 Deadly Foolish Automata 2 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Trump's firewall 1.74 Aemulus Tech 3.0 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Trump's firewall 29.81047 Ground Control 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Trump's firewall 0.13 MVHS 1.66 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:39 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 9.04875 Trump's firewall 4.71051 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:39 Missing semicolon 47.69483 Trump's firewall 15.99499 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:40 Mosman High School 20.99505 Trump's firewall 11.26039 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 Gordon RamC++ 2.57799 Trump's firewall 10.51762 W View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:39 normanHERTZ 7.55603 Trump's firewall 4.50423 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:40 SPATAR 50.08281 Trump's firewall 40.04049 L View Sim
2017-09-12 06:16:41 The Drop Bears 22.22055 Trump's firewall 11.81978 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:07 Trump's firewall 1.55 SPCS HACT 3.05 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:07 Trump's firewall 0.06 Sydney Technical Difficulties 1.53 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:05 Trump's firewall 1.68 Round Earth Society 5.35721 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:07 Trump's firewall 6.01629 Python Lovers 0.13 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:07 Trump's firewall 6.31558 DEBUG(("1337")); 3.0 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:06 Trump's firewall 6.12582 Gordon RamC++ 2.60898 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:07 Trump's firewall 4.62436 MVHS 10.80266 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:06 Trump's firewall 1.7 Div0 1.52 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:07 Trump's firewall 1.68 Deadly Foolish Automata 2 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:05 Trump's firewall 1.69 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 9.08924 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:06 Trump's firewall 28.29906 SPATAR 46.57354 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:05 Trump's firewall 1.54 normanHERTZ 9.89153 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:06 Scholar Spacemen 6.79258 Trump's firewall 1.75 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:06 Mosman High School 32.40799 Trump's firewall 15.77608 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:07 The Drop Bears 7.75448 Trump's firewall 15.67659 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:06 Aemulus Tech 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.67 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:07 Apollo 0.0 Trump's firewall 11.00197 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:56:07 Ground Control 15.44307 Trump's firewall 1.78 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:40 Trump's firewall 1.66 SPCS HACT 3.04 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:40 Trump's firewall 0.16 Sydney Technical Difficulties 1.67 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:40 Trump's firewall 0.2 The Drop Bears 18.81449 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:40 Trump's firewall 0.15 Apollo 1.5 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:40 Trump's firewall 19.91617 MVHS 16.81301 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:39 Trump's firewall 4.65123 Scholar Spacemen 6.76961 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:39 Trump's firewall 1.52 normanHERTZ 9.89832 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:38 Trump's firewall 30.07422 Missing semicolon 43.97768 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:40 Trump's firewall 6.09345 Gordon RamC++ 2.60804 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:40 Trump's firewall 1.59 Div0 1.52 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:39 Trump's firewall 1.72 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 4.41856 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:39 SPATAR 41.23447 Trump's firewall 22.53453 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:39 Round Earth Society 5.35623 Trump's firewall 0.28 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:39 Mosman High School 16.17047 Trump's firewall 16.88667 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:40 Aemulus Tech 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.59 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:40 Ground Control 8.1238 Trump's firewall 11.59219 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:35:40 DEBUG(("1337")); 3.0 Trump's firewall 15.18064 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:28 Trump's firewall 4.49398 Sydney Technical Difficulties 4.64926 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:28 Trump's firewall 1.55 SPCS HACT 3.03 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:27 Trump's firewall 1.65 Round Earth Society 5.35658 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:28 Trump's firewall 0.12 Apollo 1.5 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:26 Trump's firewall 1.52 normanHERTZ 12.228 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:26 Trump's firewall 25.73581 Missing semicolon 50.30763 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:28 Trump's firewall 0.05 The Drop Bears 23.06488 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:28 Trump's firewall 6.12474 Gordon RamC++ 2.60754 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:28 Trump's firewall 1.57 Div0 1.52 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:26 Trump's firewall 1.75 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 8.95781 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:27 Trump's firewall 15.8707 Mosman High School 23.40611 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:27 Scholar Spacemen 6.77167 Trump's firewall 1.73 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:28 joeCoders 0.0 Trump's firewall 7.42421 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:27 SPATAR 54.01011 Trump's firewall 28.47025 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:28 Python Lovers 0.13 Trump's firewall 6.03787 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:28 MVHS 7.89175 Trump's firewall 6.49624 L View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:27 Aemulus Tech 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.66 W View Sim
2017-09-12 05:15:28 Ground Control 8.10431 Trump's firewall 1.68 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:26 Trump's firewall 27.54271 Ground Control 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:25 Trump's firewall 0.26 Round Earth Society 9.76532 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:27 Trump's firewall 0.02 Apollo 1.5 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:25 Trump's firewall 17.19901 SPATAR 54.86676 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:26 Trump's firewall 6.08592 Gordon RamC++ 2.60583 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:25 Trump's firewall 6.05195 Scholar Spacemen 8.93396 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:24 Trump's firewall 34.95304 Missing semicolon 49.0036 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:26 Trump's firewall 1.56 Aemulus Tech 3.0 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:25 Trump's firewall 1.72 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 9.01465 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:25 Trump's firewall 15.78018 Mosman High School 27.19997 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:24 Trump's firewall 1.56 AI (Asian Invasion) 38.08898 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:27 joeCoders 0.0 Trump's firewall 1.68 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:27 Sydney Technical Difficulties 24.83164 Trump's firewall 25.17375 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:27 Python Lovers 0.13 Trump's firewall 6.16114 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:26 MVHS 0.22 Trump's firewall 15.70997 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:26 Div0 1.52 Trump's firewall 7.45129 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:26 SPCS HACT 3.0 Trump's firewall 1.54 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:55:24 normanHERTZ 12.96082 Trump's firewall 4.67617 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 Trump's firewall 27.38757 Ground Control 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 Trump's firewall 0.02 Sydney Technical Difficulties 1.6 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:34 Trump's firewall 1.75 Scholar Spacemen 8.93398 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 Trump's firewall 7.47173 joeCoders 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:34 Trump's firewall 11.86653 Mosman High School 21.23832 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:34 Trump's firewall 1.52 normanHERTZ 7.57155 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:34 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 8.93577 Trump's firewall 1.8 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:34 SPATAR 35.33183 Trump's firewall 6.596 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:33 AI (Asian Invasion) 39.83822 Trump's firewall 6.35983 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 Round Earth Society 6.85754 Trump's firewall 0.27 L View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 Python Lovers 0.13 Trump's firewall 6.01666 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 MVHS 6.26171 Trump's firewall 11.30031 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 Div0 1.52 Trump's firewall 1.6 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 Aemulus Tech 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.68 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 Gordon RamC++ 2.64634 Trump's firewall 6.08845 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 SPCS HACT 1.61 Trump's firewall 1.81 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 Apollo 0.0 Trump's firewall 11.24805 W View Sim
2017-09-12 04:35:35 Nacho Nuns 0.11 Trump's firewall 4.6087 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:20 Trump's firewall 6.18418 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 9.08319 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:21 Trump's firewall 13.22907 Ground Control 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:21 Trump's firewall 1.54 SPCS HACT 3.03 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:21 Trump's firewall 0.13 Sydney Technical Difficulties 1.6 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:20 Trump's firewall 1.66 Round Earth Society 5.35621 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:20 Trump's firewall 6.09532 Python Lovers 0.13 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:21 Trump's firewall 7.59949 joeCoders 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:21 Trump's firewall 6.11905 Gordon RamC++ 2.61638 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:21 Trump's firewall 1.57 Aemulus Tech 3.0 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:19 Trump's firewall 11.02169 Mosman High School 17.4872 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:21 Trump's firewall 1.61 SAS(serious about science) 0.0 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:19 Scholar Spacemen 6.76295 Trump's firewall 1.68 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:20 SPATAR 41.25027 Trump's firewall 17.01956 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:21 MVHS 6.26887 Trump's firewall 11.13396 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:21 Div0 1.52 Trump's firewall 1.58 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:21 Nacho Nuns 3.02 Trump's firewall 4.87501 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:21 Apollo 0.0 Trump's firewall 6.3618 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:30:19 normanHERTZ 9.84184 Trump's firewall 1.66 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:55 Trump's firewall 1.71 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 9.09059 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:55 Trump's firewall 1.53 normanHERTZ 9.92751 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:55 Trump's firewall 1.59 SPCS HACT 3.0 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:55 Trump's firewall 32.80677 SPATAR 42.50745 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:56 Trump's firewall 0.18 Sydney Technical Difficulties 7.00166 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:55 Trump's firewall 1.72 Scholar Spacemen 8.93315 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:55 Trump's firewall 4.53313 MVHS 1.73 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:55 Trump's firewall 6.05778 Gordon RamC++ 2.61727 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:53 Trump's firewall 15.88471 Missing semicolon 39.0368 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:56 Trump's firewall 6.12816 SAS(serious about science) 0.0 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:54 AI (Asian Invasion) 39.09727 Trump's firewall 18.76799 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:55 Round Earth Society 9.84062 Trump's firewall 0.28 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:54 Mosman High School 13.13171 Trump's firewall 11.28018 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:53 Python Lovers 0.13 Trump's firewall 6.0319 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:56 Div0 1.52 Trump's firewall 1.59 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:54 Emanuel School 2.2076 Trump's firewall 0.31 L View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:55 Aemulus Tech 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.59 W View Sim
2017-09-12 00:10:56 Ground Control 3.22 Trump's firewall 1.69 L View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:09 Trump's firewall 1.73 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 9.0264 L View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:09 Trump's firewall 0.14 Sydney Technical Difficulties 0.02 W View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:07 Trump's firewall 1.57 AI (Asian Invasion) 38.22211 L View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:09 Trump's firewall 1.67 Round Earth Society 5.35632 L View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:08 Trump's firewall 23.93038 SPATAR 44.74021 L View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:09 Trump's firewall 6.07189 Gordon RamC++ 2.62566 W View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:07 Trump's firewall 25.11569 Missing semicolon 48.5402 L View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:09 Trump's firewall 1.68 Aemulus Tech 3.0 L View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:09 Trump's firewall 1.5 SAS(serious about science) 0.0 W View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:09 Trump's firewall 1.82 Div0 1.52 W View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:08 Trump's firewall 1.67 normanHERTZ 16.93248 L View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:08 Scholar Spacemen 6.77267 Trump's firewall 1.75 L View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:07 Mosman High School 32.75751 Trump's firewall 11.24089 L View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:09 MVHS 1.72 Trump's firewall 11.0531 W View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:09 SPCS HACT 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.81 W View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:09 Ground Control 8.70567 Trump's firewall 6.47148 L View Sim
2017-09-11 23:49:07 Emanuel School 2.21205 Trump's firewall 0.31 L View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:21 Trump's firewall 10.41268 Scholar Spacemen 11.18484 L View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:22 Trump's firewall 15.92855 normanHERTZ 14.6439 W View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:21 Trump's firewall 20.39614 AI (Asian Invasion) 39.27754 L View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:22 Trump's firewall 30.78396 Aemulus Tech 3.0 W View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:23 Trump's firewall 0.24 Div0 1.5 L View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:20 Trump's firewall 16.6985 Emanuel School 23.50218 L View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:22 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 4.42458 Trump's firewall 6.13513 W View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:20 Missing semicolon 8.75503 Trump's firewall 6.41019 L View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:22 SPATAR 35.48945 Trump's firewall 28.03931 L View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:23 SAS(serious about science) 3.0 Trump's firewall 17.34019 W View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:23 Round Earth Society 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.65 W View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:21 Mosman High School 25.77682 Trump's firewall 21.55441 L View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:23 MVHS 6.25226 Trump's firewall 21.08796 W View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:23 Gordon RamC++ 2.60148 Trump's firewall 10.64527 W View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:23 SPCS HACT 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.68 W View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:23 Apollo 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.79 W View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:23 Ground Control 8.1863 Trump's firewall 27.79954 W View Sim
2017-09-04 08:07:23 Sydney Technical Difficulties 1.61 Trump's firewall 34.7827 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:34 Trump's firewall 16.78084 Emanuel School 26.36065 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:35 Trump's firewall 39.95436 SPATAR 52.53695 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:36 Trump's firewall 1.68 Apollo 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:36 Trump's firewall 6.3085 Round Earth Society 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:34 Trump's firewall 9.13565 Scholar Spacemen 11.17093 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:36 Trump's firewall 0.26 Div0 3.0 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:36 Trump's firewall 29.50965 Ground Control 1.61 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:36 Trump's firewall 0.03 SAS(serious about science) 3.0 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:35 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 0.23 Trump's firewall 4.52108 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:36 Zero_Potential 3.0 Trump's firewall 20.61492 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:34 AI (Asian Invasion) 39.29778 Trump's firewall 20.36055 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:36 Sydney Technical Difficulties 6.3319 Trump's firewall 39.45864 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:34 Mosman High School 15.95829 Trump's firewall 17.22255 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:36 MVHS 6.25158 Trump's firewall 15.95407 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:35 Aemulus Tech 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.69 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:35 normanHERTZ 4.43958 Trump's firewall 6.09513 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:35 Gordon RamC++ 2.59066 Trump's firewall 9.10092 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:50:36 SPCS HACT 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.68 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:57 Trump's firewall 20.37258 AI (Asian Invasion) 39.31593 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 Trump's firewall 0.24 MVHS 3.22 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 Trump's firewall 0.03 SAS(serious about science) 4.5 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 Trump's firewall 0.11 Sydney Technical Difficulties 1.56 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 Trump's firewall 0.26 Div0 3.0 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:56 Trump's firewall 30.07555 Missing semicolon 37.06265 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 Trump's firewall 30.28495 Aemulus Tech 3.0 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 Trump's firewall 6.25467 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 9.08066 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 Trump's firewall 28.49912 Ground Control 1.5 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:57 Scholar Spacemen 11.20236 Trump's firewall 10.64376 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:57 SPATAR 43.09224 Trump's firewall 38.90053 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 Round Earth Society 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.65 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:57 Mosman High School 22.94629 Trump's firewall 21.01968 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:57 Emanuel School 23.55106 Trump's firewall 16.71192 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 normanHERTZ 0.11 Trump's firewall 4.63481 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 Gordon RamC++ 2.63952 Trump's firewall 10.51844 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 SPCS HACT 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.71 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:33:58 Zero_Potential 3.0 Trump's firewall 14.53831 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:30 Trump's firewall 1.74 SPCS HACT 3.0 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:27 Trump's firewall 38.78437 SPATAR 45.94122 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:30 Trump's firewall 24.50543 Round Earth Society 0.0 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:27 Trump's firewall 10.64086 Scholar Spacemen 11.17113 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:27 Trump's firewall 26.38976 Mosman High School 28.31333 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:30 Trump's firewall 10.64429 The Meme Team 0.26 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:29 Trump's firewall 10.40935 Gordon RamC++ 2.64984 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:30 Trump's firewall 0.3 Div0 3.0 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:29 Trump's firewall 29.42412 Aemulus Tech 3.0 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:30 Trump's firewall 1.85 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 9.04589 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:30 Trump's firewall 0.29 MVHS 3.15 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:27 Missing semicolon 47.79403 Trump's firewall 34.65587 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:28 AI (Asian Invasion) 39.44814 Trump's firewall 23.38231 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:27 Emanuel School 27.235 Trump's firewall 11.67627 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:30 RIGS Zero 2.55946 Trump's firewall 19.12972 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:26 normanHERTZ 13.10344 Trump's firewall 15.37285 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:30 Ground Control 8.20629 Trump's firewall 26.58679 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:17:30 SAS(serious about science) 3.0 Trump's firewall 21.85767 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:07 Trump's firewall 5.87938 SPCS HACT 3.0 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:07 Trump's firewall 6.07112 Ascham School 0.0 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:07 Trump's firewall 0.05 SAS(serious about science) 3.0 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:06 Trump's firewall 21.90422 Mosman High School 17.57923 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:07 Trump's firewall 0.06 MVHS 1.56 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:06 Trump's firewall 30.8135 Aemulus Tech 3.0 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:07 Trump's firewall 6.28967 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 8.98223 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:06 Scholar Spacemen 11.18524 Trump's firewall 10.60288 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:05 Missing semicolon 18.74118 Trump's firewall 17.03237 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:06 SPATAR 44.17048 Trump's firewall 34.42631 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:06 AI (Asian Invasion) 39.35755 Trump's firewall 18.88374 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:07 Round Earth Society 1.5 Trump's firewall 0.15 L View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:07 Div0 3.0 Trump's firewall 16.09765 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:07 Gordon RamC++ 2.59241 Trump's firewall 10.64769 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:07 Ground Control 3.22 Trump's firewall 27.71345 W View Sim
2017-09-04 07:00:07 BPHS Wolfgang 1.5 Trump's firewall 24.08199 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:15 Trump's firewall 1.69 SPCS HACT 1.5 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:15 Trump's firewall 6.90023 Ground Control 1.5 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:15 Trump's firewall 0.06 Round Earth Society 4.51 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:15 Trump's firewall 1.77 Aemulus Tech 3.0 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:15 Trump's firewall 5.90496 Gordon RamC++ 2.62029 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:14 Trump's firewall 6.26989 Missing semicolon 41.95807 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:16 Trump's firewall 5.99266 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 9.0661 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:15 Trump's firewall 5.87418 AI (Asian Invasion) 2.21715 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:15 Trump's firewall 0.04 MVHS 1.64 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:14 Scholar Spacemen 11.26618 Trump's firewall 5.9078 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:15 SPATAR 44.49816 Trump's firewall 6.36121 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:15 SAS(serious about science) 3.0 Trump's firewall 1.83 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:14 Mosman High School 26.54 Trump's firewall 5.91737 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:15 Div0 3.0 Trump's firewall 6.26489 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:16 MHS Tigers In Space 0.0 Trump's firewall -1e-05 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:22:16 BPHS Wolfgang 1.5 Trump's firewall 4.70836 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:26 Trump's firewall 1.79 SPCS HACT 1.5 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:24 Trump's firewall 6.35544 SPATAR 32.66439 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:26 Trump's firewall 4.74959 Round Earth Society 4.61 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:24 Trump's firewall 6.2569 Missing semicolon 44.19585 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:26 Trump's firewall 6.08658 BPHS Wolfgang 1.5 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:25 Trump's firewall 6.41618 Aemulus Tech 3.0 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:26 Trump's firewall 6.01921 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 0.24 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:25 Trump's firewall 5.88006 AI (Asian Invasion) 6.68438 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:26 Trump's firewall 0.06 MVHS 3.05 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:25 Scholar Spacemen 11.19206 Trump's firewall 4.40226 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:26 SAS(serious about science) 1.5 Trump's firewall 6.79963 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:25 Mosman High School 23.95618 Trump's firewall 5.9325 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:26 Div0 3.0 Trump's firewall 6.24344 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:26 MHS Tigers In Space 0.0 Trump's firewall -1e-05 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:25 Gordon RamC++ 2.5934 Trump's firewall 5.91386 W View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:26 SCEGGSZeroRobotics 3.0 Trump's firewall 1.65 L View Sim
2017-08-28 00:10:26 Ground Control 3.0 Trump's firewall 6.64874 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 Trump's firewall 1.84 SPCS HACT 1.53 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 Trump's firewall 0.08 Round Earth Society 4.61 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 Trump's firewall 1.72 Team Innovation 0.0 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:42 Trump's firewall 5.91505 Mosman High School 25.57964 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:42 Trump's firewall 6.26039 Missing semicolon 43.94961 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 Trump's firewall 4.4907 MVHS 0.0 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 Trump's firewall 0.16 Div0 3.0 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 Trump's firewall 7.2714 Aemulus Tech 3.0 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 Trump's firewall 5.90256 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 13.64881 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 Scholar Spacemen 11.19847 Trump's firewall 5.91121 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 SPATAR 44.06115 Trump's firewall 6.37404 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 AI (Asian Invasion) 6.64395 Trump's firewall 4.38064 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 Gordon RamC++ 2.62099 Trump's firewall 4.40345 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 Ground Control 3.0 Trump's firewall 6.16731 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:58:43 SAS(serious about science) 1.5 Trump's firewall 6.91605 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:08 Trump's firewall 6.34312 SPATAR 38.85378 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:08 Trump's firewall 7.10553 SAS(serious about science) 3.0 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:08 Trump's firewall 4.85079 Round Earth Society 4.5 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:07 Trump's firewall 5.90894 Scholar Spacemen 11.19328 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:08 Trump's firewall 5.90535 Gordon RamC++ 2.62113 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:08 Trump's firewall 5.92534 Mosman High School 23.84923 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:08 Trump's firewall 7.48832 RedShift 0.22 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:08 Trump's firewall 6.90235 Ground Control 1.5 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:07 Trump's firewall 5.88566 AI (Asian Invasion) 6.68475 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:08 Trump's firewall 5.91667 Ascham School 0.0 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:08 ChickenNugget360 0.0 Trump's firewall 4.96692 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:07 Missing semicolon 50.24427 Trump's firewall 6.26524 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:08 Team Innovation 0.0 Trump's firewall 5.93903 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:08 MVHS 3.0 Trump's firewall 6.24406 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:47:07 Aemulus Tech 1.5 Trump's firewall 1.68 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:41 Trump's firewall 4.94219 ChickenNugget360 1.5 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:40 Trump's firewall 1.83 SPCS HACT 1.5 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:40 Trump's firewall 6.24961 Int elligence 3.0 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:41 Trump's firewall 6.30561 Team Innovation 0.0 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:41 Trump's firewall -1e-05 MHS Tigers In Space 0.0 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:41 Trump's firewall 1.79 Aemulus Tech 3.0 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:39 Trump's firewall 7.46707 Ground Control 1.5 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:40 Trump's firewall 6.64864 SAS(serious about science) 1.5 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:41 Trump's firewall -1e-05 Robopride 0.0 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:41 DEBUG(('HELLO WORLD')) 0.24 Trump's firewall 4.53013 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:41 Scholar Spacemen 11.20114 Trump's firewall 5.91054 L View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:41 MVHS 1.61 Trump's firewall 6.26587 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:40 Div0 3.0 Trump's firewall 6.25512 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:41 RedShift 0.23 Trump's firewall 7.02655 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:41 Thill’s Troopers 0.0 Trump's firewall 6.05411 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:39 DEBUG(("1337")); 0.0 Trump's firewall 5.90554 W View Sim
2017-08-27 23:35:41 Ascham School 0.0 Trump's firewall 5.90854 W View Sim