Middle School Program 2016 Session 1 Practice Regional Competition
Jun 28, 2016
Practice Regional Competition
The end of Week 3 marks the deadline for the practice regional competition: Friday, July 1st 5pm local time.
A few friendly reminders:
- This is just practice! The code submissions do not have to be perfect, or their best possible code - we encourage teams to submit any code that they have created by the deadline. It is important for your team to practice going through the submission process.
- Completing the first two weeks of the middle school curriculum and reviewing the second half of the game overview power point should be sufficient to get a player going.
Game Overview Powerpoint - When creating a project for the competition be sure to select: SpySPHERES MS 2D mode. (Instead of Free Mode.)
See Link
Code Submissions
Educators should submit student code by Friday, July 1st at 5pm local time (this has been extended one day from originally posted). Code can be submitted before this deadline depending on respective schedules.
Here are some notes about submitting code:
- Only teams leads can submit code. If you have been able to add students to your team rosters, then you shouldn't have any trouble submitting code. If you have not been able to add students to your team rosters, then please contact us immediately. All questions should be directed to zerorobotics@mit.edu.
- Have students share their code with you as described in the following tutorial:
See Link - Submit your student's code (one code for each team.) Here is a link on how to submit code.
We wish you a successful third week, and good luck programming the first player for the practice regional competitions!