Other Websites to Help Teach Programming
Websites for Programming
There are so many great websites for programming, but I think it is important to choose one or two and test them yourself, as well as asking some of your learners to test them and share their feedback. Below are some that I have used with learners. If you would like additional sites let me know.
The Foos
This site can be used for all ages. Be aware that there is no text or help on this site. Learners will learn by watching and then coding with visuals. This has been tested by learners in Grades K – 8 with and all learners were enthusiastic. This site uses cookies so learners must use the same computer to get back to their game. Please be aware that this program does take time to load (typically longer the first time it is played). I used this as an alternative program when learners were somewhat overwhelmed (or perhaps frustrated) with Zero Robotics programming with great success last summer. If you are looking for curriculum for the Foos check out this site,
Scratch – Scratch can be used by students 8 – 88 (according to their website). This is a student friendly website. I suggest that you have students work through tutorials that are at the website so they get a sense of how to program in this program.
Scratch was designed at MIT and is available at no cost to students. Students quickly learn how to use this tool and can create stories, games and more. There are materials available on the website. It is suggested that you have parents create the student account and forward the information to you. For tutorials and other information, check out this page:
ScratchEd is designed for teachers and available through Harvard. There are many resources available online at this link,, will take you to a page that has resources that include curriculum.
Scratch Jr. is available for free on the iPad and Android. This is designed for students from ages 5 – 7.
CS- First ( provides access to free materials that provide great scaffolding to teach students how to program, and the program they use is Scratch. They currently have 9 topics: storytelling, fashion & design, art, friends, social media, sports, music & sound, game design, and animation (in beta) as well as a short introductory activity called High Seas Activity.
Lightbot was one of the programs available through Hour of Code. This program is free, and has levels that the student must work through. I used this with students from Grade 1 – 7 and the feedback was positive. There is some scaffolding, but as students move up the levels the must understand the previous concepts to be successful. You can also find the solutions to the problems online. Lightbot is free through Hour of Code. Additional products are available through Lightbot but there are costs involved.
Computational Thinking for Educators
Google has created a free online course to help “educators integrate computational thinking into their curriculum.” For more information:
I think that is all. Pleaes note, the material for Computational Thinking is listed as Other, since I think it is useful at any time.
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