Feb 25, 2025

<p>Congratulations to all the Space Coders who participated in this year’s Zero Robotics: Lost in Space high school competition!</p> <p>Each Team's algorithms guided autonomous robots in a real microgravity environment aboard the ISS. This is more... Read more

Jan 13, 2025

<p>Week one of the 2025 Zero Robotics High School Tournament has officially begun. Thank you to our sponsors: The Aerospace Corporation, The ISS US Laboratory and to NASA. The Relaunch of the High School Tournament marks an important milestone for... Read more

Aug 02, 2024

<p>The Zero Robotics (ZR) program returned to the International Space Station this summer with the 2024 LOST IN SPACE Challenge. 58 teams of 740 middle school students from across the country wrote code for this year's game! Congratuations to everyone... Read more

Mar 19, 2024

<p>Schools, Organizations and Universities serving Middle School students are invited to participate in the 2024 Zero Robotics Summer Program where teams will be given the opportunity to write code to control NASA's Astrobee satellites aboard the... Read more

Aug 22, 2023

<p>The Zero Robotics (ZR) program returned to the International Space Station this summer with the 2023 LUNABEE Challenge. 46 teams of 600 middle school students from across the country wrote code to virtually collect lunar dust samples for analysis... Read more

Apr 21, 2023

<p>Are you ready to go to space this summer? You and your middle school students are being invited to participate in the 2023 Zero Robotics Summer Program where they will be given the opportunity to write code to control NASA&#39;s Astrobee satellites... Read more

Jul 08, 2022

ZR sponsor and supporter, Aerospace Corporation, is committed to broadening their reach and deepening their impact to help shape a brighter future for all. Through their partnership with organizations like Zero Robotics, Aerospace aims to enhance... Read more

Apr 01, 2022

Summer 2022 - Zero Students, schools, and community-based organizations are being invited to participate in the 2022 Zero Robotics Summer Program beginning the week of July 1st. This will be the first "class" of Zero Robotics students chosen to write... Read more

Sep 22, 2021

<p>On September 23, 2021, at 7pm ET, as part of the&nbsp;<a href="https://bostonfilmfestival.org/">Boston Film Festival</a>, the documentary&nbsp;<a href="https://zerogravityfilm.com/"><em>Zero Gravity</em></a>&nbsp;will have its Boston premiere in a... Read more

Sep 22, 2021

<p>Danielle Wood, director of the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.media.mit.edu/groups/space-enabled/overview/" rel="noopener noreferrer">Space Enabled</a>&nbsp;research group and assistant professor at the MIT Media Lab and in the&nbsp;<a... Read more

May 15, 2021

MIT is excited to announce a new partnership with The Aerospace Corporation to launch a summer online coding camp for middle school students in The Aerospace Corporation service-area. An informational webinar will be held on May 26, 2021. (To view a... Read more

Mar 19, 2021

We are pleased to announce that Zero Gravity - a documentary film about middle schoolers involved in the Zero Robotics program - will have its World Premiere at the 2021 Cinequest Film Festival this weekend. We couldn’t be more excited to share this... Read more

Feb 25, 2020

As ZR makes organizational adjustments during this transition period we ask that you join our mailing list to stay in contact: <a href=http://forms.gle/va75TFH71sR1Ti148>Link</a> Read more

Feb 15, 2020

<p>The Zero Robotics Middle School Summer Program is taking a "Gap Year” as we transition to the Astrobee Free-Flyer platform on ISS. There will be no Zero Robotics Middle School Summer Program in 2020. The summer program will resume in 2021! </p> ... Read more

Nov 03, 2019

The Zero Robotics website will contine to be available for use while the Astrobee transition is in progress including both the Text (excluding Matlab) and graphical editors. Please note that the website capacity will be limited during this interim... Read more

Aug 12, 2019

<p>The Zero Robotics High School Tournament is taking a "Gap Year” as we transition to the Astrobee Free-Flyer platform on ISS. There will be no Zero Robotics High School Tournament in 2019. The competition will resume in 2020! </p> <p>See page... Read more

Aug 08, 2019

<p>We are pleased to announce the Zero Robotics Middle School Summer Program 2019 ISS Finals Event scheduled on Aug 9th starting at 8:35 am ET! </p> <p>Competing teams include: CA, CT, FL, GA, ID, MD, MA, MN/IL/KS, NJ, OR, PR, RI, Russia, TX, WA, WVA... Read more

May 01, 2019

Zero Robotics is gearing up for the Middle School Summer Program 2019. Local state partners are now accepting applications from programs to participate. Contact your local state coordinator (<a... Read more

Jan 29, 2019

<p>Congratulations to all teams that competed on ISS on Jan 28th, 2019! </p> <p>A recording of the webcast is available here: <a href="http://zerorobotics.mit.edu/tournaments/32/info/198/0/" target="_blank">ZRHS_2018-19 Webcast Recording</a> ... Read more

Jan 26, 2019

<p>We are pleased to announce the Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2018 ISS Finals Event! This final round of competition takes place on the International Space Station.</p> <p>Teams will be watching the live stream of the event from 3 locations... Read more

Sep 11, 2018

Use: Text Editor (C) and select Game: ECO-SPHERES 2D Beta.</p> <p>The 2D Beta version of the game will let you practice the first TWO phases of the game:</p> <p>- Debris</p> <p> - Rendezvous</p> <p>The game does not currently simulate the "hook"... Read more

Aug 16, 2018

Registration is now open for the Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2018. <p>The registration link is available on the front page of the Zero Robotics Website and also linked here: (Registration is now closed).</p> <p>Registration will remain... Read more

Aug 15, 2018

<p>Thanks to everyone that helped make the Zero Robotics Middle School Summer Program 2018 a success! The program concluded on August 10th as middle school students gathered in 17 different locations across the United States and Russia to watch the... Read more

Aug 08, 2018

<p> We hope everyone is looking forward to the upcoming ISS Finals event this Friday August 10! 12 regional teams will be competing on the International Space Station: CA, FL, GA, CT/MD/NJ, ID, MA, MN/IL, OR/WA, Puerto Rico, Russia/PA, TX, and... Read more

May 01, 2018

Zero Robotics is gearing up for the Middle School Summer Program 2018. Local state partners are now accepting applications from programs to participate. Contact your local state coordinator (<a... Read more

Jan 11, 2018

<p>On Thursday Jan 11, 2018 over 600 students, gathered at MIT, Politecnico di Torino, and U Sydney to watch cosmonaut Alexander “Sasha” Misurkin and astronaut Joe Acaba referee the final competition of the Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2017... Read more

Dec 17, 2017

<p>We are pleased to announce the Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2017 ISS Finals Event! This final round of competition takes place on the International Space Station.</p> <p>Teams will be watching the live stream of the event from 3 locations... Read more

Sep 13, 2017

<p>The <a href=http://zerorobotics.mit.edu/forum/>Forum</a> now has announcements for <b>Server Status</b> and <b>Official Bug Report</b> for the 2017 HS Tournament. Please visit the <a href=http://zerorobotics.mit.edu/forum/>Forum</a> if you are... Read more

Sep 09, 2017

<p>If you did not see the live Kick-off event, we have created a <a href="https://mit.webex.com/mit/lsr.php?RCID=7f3813858e9f4a9eb466228afe0a6760" target=_blank>video introduction to the game</a> that summarizes the kick-off event.</p> Read more

Sep 09, 2017

<p><a href=http://zerorobotics.mit.edu/tournaments/28/>High School Tournament 2017</a>:</p> <p>LIFE-SPHERES can now be played: the game code and the <a href=http://zerorobotics.mit.edu/tournaments/28/info/164/0/>manual</a> are now available, start coding!</p> Read more

Sep 07, 2017

<p>The Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2017 kickoff event is scheduled for Saturday Sept 09th at 1:00 pm USA Eastern Daylight Time; 7:00 pm Central European Summer Time. Please plan to log in to the Webex link below at least 15 minutes early to... Read more

Aug 18, 2017

Registration is now open for the Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2017. <p>The registration link is available on the front page of the Zero Robotics Website and also linked here: <a href="http://zerorobotics.mit.edu/tournaments/28/2/"... Read more

Aug 11, 2017

<p>Thanks to everyone that helped make the Zero Robotics Middle School Summer Program 2017 a success! The program concluded on August 11th as teams gathered in 14 different states and 2 countries including: AL, CA, CT, FL, GA, ID, MD, MA, MN, NJ, OR,... Read more

Aug 02, 2017

<p> We hope everyone is looking forward to the upcoming ISS Finals event next Friday! 13 teams from two countries and 12 states will be competing on the International Space Station: MA, ID, CT, NJ, OR, WA, WV, GA, AL, MD, MN, CA, and... Read more

Jun 28, 2017

<p>We are happy to announce the official start of session two! This session will feature teams from California, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington, and West Virginia!</p> Read more

Jun 06, 2017

<p>We are excited to announce that session one of the 2017 Middle School Program will officially begin next week! Session one teams will be competing from Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Texas, and Russia.</p> Read more

Feb 15, 2017

Zero Robotics is happy to offer the Middle School Summer Program again in 2017. Local state partners are now accepting applications from programs to participate. Contact your local state coordinator or zerorobotics@mit.edu for more information about... Read more

Jan 21, 2017

<p>We are pleased to announce the Zero Robotics High School 2016 ISS Finals Event!! This final round of competition takes place on the International Space Station. Teams will be watching the live stream of the event from 3 locations including: ... Read more

Aug 16, 2016

<p>Thanks to everyone that helped make the Zero Robotics Middle School Summer Program 2016 a success! The program concluded on August 12th as teams gathered in 13 different states including: AL, CA, CT, FL, GA, ID, MD, MA, MN, OR, TX, WA, WVA to watch... Read more

Aug 03, 2016

<p>Congratulations to all of the teams that participated in the Zero Robotics Middle School Session 2 Competition 2016! The results of the Session 2 Regional Competition can be found on our <a... Read more

Jul 27, 2016

<p>We are happy to announce that the Middle School Program 2016 ISS Finals are currently schedule for August 12th! As is always the case, unforeseen events on the space station can impact this date but this is the date that we are currently working... Read more

Jul 27, 2016

<p>Congratulations to all of the teams who submitted code this past Friday for the Middle School Session 2 Practice Regional Competition! Educators should check their emails for the results and we look forward to seeing what everyone submits this... Read more

Jul 21, 2016

<p>Congratulations to all of the teams that participated in the Zero Robotics Middle School Session 1 Competition 2016! The results of the Session 1 Regional Competition can be found here: <a... Read more

Jul 06, 2016

<p>Congratulations to all of the teams who submitted code this past Friday for the Middle School Session 1 Practice Regional Competition! Educators should check their emails for the results and we look forward to seeing what everyone submits this... Read more

Jun 28, 2016

<p><b>Practice Regional Competition</b></p> <p>The end of Week 3 marks the deadline for the practice regional competition: Friday, July 1st 5pm local time.</p> <p>A few friendly reminders:</p> <ul> <li><b>This is just practice!</b> The code... Read more

Mar 17, 2016

<p>Please join Alvar and his graduate students in the SSL lab on March 19th 2016 at 2PM EDT for a webinar covering the SPHERES and on-orbit data analysis specific to the ISS competition with an opportunity for Q and A. This event has already... Read more

Jan 22, 2016

Zero Robotics is happy to offer the Middle School Summer Program again in 2016. Local state partners are now accepting applications from programs to participate. Contact your local state coordinator or zerorobotics@mit.edu for more information for... Read more

Dec 28, 2015

Congratulations to the following Alliance teams whose code will be competed on ISS on Jan 25th 2016: <p><p/> <u>ISS Finalists</u> <p><p/> Alliance 1: CrabNebulaMVZeroVADARS <p><p/> <ul> <ul>Crab Nebula (Italy), MV Zero (United States), VADARS (United... Read more

Sep 28, 2015

Final Reminder to complete your registration now to join us for the Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2015. Registration closes midnight Wednesday September 30th. The registration link is available on the front page of the Zero Robotics Website. Read more

Sep 15, 2015

A recording of the Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2015 kickoff webcast can be viewed at the following link: </p><p><a href=http://techtv.mit.edu/videos/0f50cbf35d505657f8eecf189ef7a9cc1b184452/private "_blank">Kick Off Link</a>. </p> </p><p> Read more

Aug 17, 2015

Thanks to everyone that helped make the Zero Robotics Middle School Summer Program 2015 a success! The summer program concluded on August 14th as teams gathered in 11 different states including: AL, CA, CO, FL, GA, ID, MD, MA, OR, TX and WV to watch... Read more

Mar 19, 2015

Congratulations to all three teams from the ZRHS 2014 Championship Alliance for their recent recognition in their respective countries. On March 16th Corà's Eleven was recognized on Italian National TV. On March 23rd representatives from Team Lake... Read more

Mar 03, 2015

The ZR Middle School Summer Program 2015 is scheduled to happen! Registration of teams in selected states will start in April. Teacher training will take place in May. The competition starts in either June or July (depending on regional school... Read more

Jan 19, 2015

Congratulations to all teams that competed on ISS on Jan 16th! &nbsp We are pleased to announce the following results! <p><p/> <b>ISS Finals Champion: LakeElevenVADARS </b> <p> <u>Team Lake</u>, Clear Lake High School, TX, USA </p><p> <u>Corà's... Read more

Dec 20, 2014

Congratulations to the following Alliance teams that are advancing to the Zero Robotics ISS Finals Competition on Jan 16th: <p><p/> Alliance 1: BACON (United States),Zanneio Stardust (Greece),Big Red Robotics (United States) <p> <p><p/> Alliance 2:... Read more

Oct 28, 2014

Please note the following changes to the ZR HS Tournament 2014 schedule. The 3D submission deadline has been extended to Monday November 10th [updated]. The Alliance draft and Alliance competition deadlines are moved forward 1 week and the ISS code... Read more

Oct 08, 2014

The 3D Competition is now open! All teams that advanced to the 3D competition are eligible to submit to the 3D Leaderboard. The 3D competition leaderboard will remain open until 16:59:59 EDT/ 20:59:59 UTC on 2014/11/10 (2nd extension... Read more

Sep 23, 2014

<p>The 2D Practice Competition Submission Deadline has been extended to 16:59:59 EDT/ 20:59:59 UTC Sept 30th.</p> Our only requirement for the 2D phase of the competition is for teams to submit a player that gets a nonzero score when competed against... Read more

Sep 07, 2014

The Game Manual for CoronaSPHERES 2D is now available at the following link: <a href="http://www.zerorobotics.mit.edu/tournaments/16/info/82/0/">href="http://www.zerorobotics.mit.edu/tournaments/16/info/82/0/</a> Read more

Sep 02, 2014

<p><big>A recording of the Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2014 kickoff webcast can be viewed at the following link:<p></p><a href="http://techtv.mit.edu/videos/29733-zero-robotics-kickoff-webcast-september-2014"</p> Kickoff Link</a< <p></p Read more

Aug 15, 2014

You can watch a recording of the webcast at this link: <a href=http://webcast.amps.ms.mit.edu/fall2014/spheres/15aug/>webcast.amps.ms.mit.edu/fall2014/spheres/15aug/</a>. </p><p>Congratulations to the winning region, Maryland/DC, represented by the... Read more

Aug 15, 2014

<p><big>Zero Robotics Middle School ISS Finals: live webcast at: <a href=http://webcast.amps.ms.mit.edu/fall2014/spheres/15aug/>webcast.amps.ms.mit.edu/fall2014/spheres/15aug/</a>.</big></p> <p>Join in to witness code from nine states (Alabama,... Read more

Aug 04, 2014

<p>The Schedule 2 Regional Competition Results have been released! Team leads should have received an email earlier today with an attached PDF file that held the results for their specific region. </p><p>In the interest of fairness, we have not... Read more

Jul 28, 2014

<p>The Practice Regional Competition Results have been released! Team leads should have received an email this morning with an attached PDF file that held the results for all Schedule 2 teams participating in the competition. </p><p>Your score... Read more

Jul 14, 2014

<p>The Regional Competition Results have been released! Team leads should have received an email this morning with an attached PDF file that held the results for their specific region. </p><p>In the interest of fairness, we have not released the... Read more

Jul 07, 2014

<p>The codes submitted by Schedule 1 teams (AL, GA, OH, TX) for the practice Regional Competition have been run. See how your team compares on our new <a href="http://zerorobotics.mit.edu/tournaments/17/info/82/">results page</a>! You can view... Read more

Jun 25, 2014

<p>Game changes have been deployed to reflect the updated <a href="http://static.zerorobotics.mit.edu/docs/ms/GameManual2014.pdf" target="_blank">Game Manual</a>. The laser impulse has been decreased to 0.00115 (previously 0.00123) and the debris... Read more

Apr 18, 2014

<p>We've revamped our website for the 2014 season. Take a look around! </p><p>If you need to retrieve data from the old website, it's still available <a href="http://zerorobotics.org/" target="_blank">here</a>. </p><p>Some pages on this new website... Read more

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